AC WiFiRE Grill Wiring

What's in This Article?

Here you will find steps to ensure the wiring connections on your AC WiFIRE-enabled Traeger grill are connected properly.


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Controller Wiring Layout

AC WiFi models have a controller that share the same visual style & functions as the D2 models, but the wiring is configured like our other AC models.


NOTE: While the image in the diagrams below depict a Pro controller, the wiring applies to any type of AC controller (Including the AC WiFi controllers). The wiring is the same regardless of the controller face.


How to Ensure a Secure Wiring Connection

  1. Turn off and unplug the grill.
  2. Unscrew and carefully pull out the grill controller from the hopper.
  3. Remove bottom hopper panel.
  4. Go underneath the hopper and locate the 4 Molex plastic connectors.
  5. disconnect the Molex connectors.
  6. Thermocouple: Gently pull to disconnect.
    • When reconnecting, make sure the + sided peg is inserted into the + connector.
  7. Reconnect each connector. Follow the chart below to ensure the proper connectors are connected. Make sure to properly check all wiring connections.
  • If the component continues not to work after reconnection and ensuring all the connectors are connected to the proper spots, check the wire swap test for each component before determining if a replacement is necessary. See below under WIRE SWAP TEST for more information. 

How to Perform a Wire Swap Test

The AC WiFIRE Grills connections are the same as other AC grill wiring there for the wire swap testing would be conducted the same. For more on how to perform a wire swap test follow the steps in AC Grill Wiring.


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