Before you begin cooking tasty meals, you may want to know which types of cookware and bakeware are safe to use on your Traeger grill. You've come to the right place!
As a general rule of thumb, any cookware or bakeware that is oven safe is also safe to use in a Traeger grill.
Consistently using the same pan in a Traeger grill will result in the build up smoke residue. You may want to use older pans or even set aside cookware dedicated to your Traeger.
Baking Pans
You can use baking pans inside your Traeger grill if they're oven-safe. Please note that metal pans heat up faster, but glass pans hold a consistent temperature.
Butcher Paper
Butcher Paper is thick paper often used to wrap or cook meats in. Butcher paper should not be used in cooks over 425°F (218°C) as it can ignite.
Buy Traeger Pink BBQ Butcher Paper Roll here:
Cast-Iron Cookware
You can use cast iron cookware inside your Traeger grill. If you want to use a large griddle, please leave 1 inch of clearance on each side of your griddle to allow airflow.
Cookie/Baking Sheets
You can use cookie or baking sheets inside your Traeger grill. Please leave 1 inch of clearance on each side of the sheet to allow airflow.
Dutch & French Ovens
You can use Dutch and French ovens inside your Traeger grill. Dutch and French ovens may take a few minutes to heat up, but they retain heat well. You can cook with or without a lid on.
PRO TIP: Cooking without a lid on increases the smoke flavor infused in your food.
Oven Bags
Please follow your oven bag's instructions and temperature parameters and use a grill-safe pan.
PRO TIP: If you consistently use the same pan inside your Traeger grill, the pan will build up smoke residue. We recommend using older pans.
Pizza Stones
Pizza stones will work well in a Traeger. However, because many pizza stones advise against washing, you may find that your stone will build up a smoke residue and potentially add a smoky flavor to subsequent meals cooked on the pizza stone, even when used in an oven.