Replacing a Woodridge Series Ignitor

What's in This Article?

Applicable SKUs & Grill Compatibility

The instructions outlined in this article apply to the following ignitor/hot rod SKUs on Traeger's Woodridge Series grills:

  • KIT0927

Traeger's Woodridge Series grills include the following models:

  • Woodridge
  • Woodridge Pro
  • Woodridge Elite

How to Replace an Ignitor

Tools Needed

  • #2 Phillips screwdriver
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Needle-nose Pliers

Pro Tips

  • Get a second person to help when removing and reinstalling the auger box.
  • All screws, unless otherwise noted, are 1/4-20 X 1/2" screws.
  • Create a secure space to set aside hardware. As you remove hardware, keep them separated in groupings according to step.

Replacement Steps

  1. Prepare the grill for servicing.
    1. Turn off and unplug the grill from the power source.
    2. Empty all the pellets from the hopper.
    3. Remove the EZ-Clean™ Grease + Ash Keg
      Grease Keg.gif
  2. Remove the auger box. (Additional person recommended)
    1. Unplug the power cord from the auger box.
    2. While one person supports the auger box, remove the x4 screws from the underside of the grill. 
      • Caution: The auger box will fall if not supported and could cause damage to the wiring harnesses.
      • Woodridge Elite: We recommend removing the back-left screw (inside the cabinet behind the auger box) first as it's the most difficult to see and access.
    3. Slowly lower the auger box until the hopper wire harness is exposed. Detach the connector and remove the auger box from the grill, setting aside on a work surface.
  3. Access & remove the ignitor.
    1. Remove the x10 screws found on the sides of the auger box (3 on each long side, 2 on each short side) and remove the service panel. Turn the auger box upside-down.
    2. Disconnect the ignitor wire harness from the motherboard. The connection is labeled, "IGNITOR," on the motherboard.
      Ignitor Wire.jpg
    3. Remove the x1 screw (10-32 X 1/4") from the ignitor tube and slide the ignitor and the wire harness out of the tube.
      Ignitor 2.jpg
  4. Install the new ignitor.
    1. Slide the new ignitor into the tube as far as possible and fasten in place with x1 screw (10-32 X 1/4").
    2. Route the new ignitor wire harness through the clip on the inside of the auger box and attach the wire harness to the motherboard.
      Clip .jpg
  5. Reassemble the grill.
    1. Reinstall the auger box service panel using the x10 screws you removed earlier.
    2. With the help of another person, hold the auger box below the grill while the other reattaches the hopper wire harness. 
    3. Lift the auger box up to the grill, ensuring the hopper wire harness is tucked into the cavity next to the hopper and secure to the grill using x4 screws. 
    4. Reattach the power cord to the auger box.
  6. Service complete! Once everything is in and the auger box is back on the grill, plug the grill in, turn it on and you're ready to cook.

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