Non-WiFIRE Grill Not Igniting

What's in This Article?

Is your AC grill struggling to ignite or not igniting at all? Try checking out some of the troubleshooting tips below to help you get back grillin'.


Grill Ignites, But Isn't Reaching the Set Temp

If the grill is heating up, but just isn't reaching the desired temperature, use the following articles instead Running too Cool.


Check Pellet Quality

The first thing to check when your grill isn't igniting is the pellets in the firepot and in the hopper.

  • Pellets should have a nice sheen and have a "snap" to them when breaking (similar to a pencil).
  • If the pellets crumble or are dull looking (not shiny), empty your hopper and try a new bag of pellets.


Check the Auger

  1. Remove the grill grates, drip pan, and heat baffle.
  2. Turn on the grill and set it to SMOKE.
  3. Look in the firepot and verify that the auger is turning—the auger motor should be turning on a cycle, roughly 15 seconds on, 1 minute off (this can vary).
    1. If the auger is not turning, look underneath the hopper.
      1. Find the small fan attached to the auger motor, and make sure it's spinning. If it isn't contact Customer Support.
  4. As the cycle proceeds, check to see if pellets are feeding into the firepot.
  5. If the auger looks good, move to check the hot rod and the fan.


Check the Hot Rod

With the grill still on and set to SMOKE, hold your hand over the firepot without touching it and check if you feel heat radiating from it. If you feel heat, move on to check the fan. If you do not feel heat, try the steps below:

  1. Unscrew the controller from the front of the hopper.
  2. Disconnect and then reconnect connection for the purple and white wires.
  3. Turn the grill on and let it run for 5 min to check if it starts working (pellets in the firepot should start to smoke).
  4. If the hot rod still does not heat up, please contact Customer Service.


Check the Fan

With the grill still on, you should be able to hear the fan running. You should also feel some airflow if you place your hand hovering over the firepot.

  • If you feel airflow, the fan is working correctly.
  • If you do not feel air flow, please contact Customer Service.



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