Controller Knob Unresponsive

What's in This Article?

Steps to take when controller knob is not making the selections on the controller.


Related Articles: Replacing a Controller Knob


On a rare occasion you may experience the controller knob becoming unresponsive. The most common reason for this occurring would be due to a broken knob or buildup preventing the knob from functioning properly and making selections. Take the steps below to resolve a customer concern if a controller knob is not making selections on a controller.


WiFIRE Controller

Wifire controller.png

  1.  Remove knob by pulling knob toward you. 
  2. Once removed check the back for damage or dirt/smoke build up.
    • If the back of the knob is broken preventing it from effectively turning, you will need a new controller knob. Contact customer support for more assistance.
    • If the knob has buildup clean the knob and place it back onto the controller to see if that resolves.
  3. If the controller knob is not broken or dirty yet you still cannot maneuver through the menu options, reach out to our support team.


Touchscreen Controller

Touchscreen controller 2.jpg

Knob unresponsive


  1.  Remove knob by pulling knob toward you. 
  2. Once removed check the back for damage or dirt/smoke build up.
    • If the back of the knob is broken preventing it from turning and making selections,
    • you will need a new controller knob. Contact customer support for more assistance.
    • If the knob has buildup, ask the customer to clean the knob and place it back onto the controller to see if that resolves.
  3. If the controller knob is not broken or dirty yet you still cannot maneuver through the menu options, move to step 4.  
  4. Is the controller display responsive?
  5. Check if the grill is on current firmware version and has the correct config version.
    • If Firmware, Display and Config are up to date, contact customer service.
    • If Firmware, Display and Config are not current, update to latest version

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