Using a Grill While Waiting for Replacement Parts

What's in This Article?

Waiting on a replacement part, but aren't sure if you can still use your grill while you wait? We'll help you figure out which parts may prevent you from having a successful cook.

Our goal is to get you back rolling smoke by the following weekend--our service parts warehouse is always working hard to get your orders processed and shipped as soon as possible. 


Can I use my grill while waiting for replacement parts?

Below are some situations you may experience. While we cannot provide definitive answers to every situation, remember to err on the side of caution when using a grill with a faulty part.


You should not use your grill if it is experiencing auger, auger fan, or auger motor issues. 


If your controller is being replaced due to WiFi connectivity issues, you can always use your grill sans WiFi.

If your controller is being replaced for other reasons (an inability to send and receive signal from parts like your auger motor or the RTD/thermocouple_, you most likely will not be able to operate your grill. 

Drip Tray

You can use a warped drip tray if grease still drains properly.

NOTE: You should not use a rusting drip tray if there is a hole in it. 


Do not use your grill if the firepot is rusting through or has holes other than the pre-drilled, uniform holes that are a part of the manufacturing design. 

Hot Rod

If your hot rod does not work, you will not be able to grill successfully. If your hot rod is slow to heat, you may still use your grill, but you will need to be patient during the ignition process.

Temperature Sensor (Thermocouple or RTD)

You can use your grill if the temperature reading is inaccurate; however, you may need to accommodate for temperature differences. 

NOTE: You should not use your grill if its orange plastic cap has melted into its thermocouple.

Contact Traeger Customer Service if you have any questions or concerns.


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