Replacing a Flame Sensor Wire Harness

What's in This Article?

Starting point for replacing a flame sensor wire harness.


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Flame Sensor labeled.jpeg


What is a Flame Sensor Wire Harness?

A flame sensor wire harness delivers power to the flame sensor and communication between the flame sensor and motherboard via the Smart Combustion Wire Harness.


The flame sensor wire harness does not connect directly to the motherboard; connects to the Smart Combustion Wire Harness.


Applicable SKU

  • Hardwired to the Flame Sensor

    • Flame Sensor is Part of Ignitor & Flame Sensor Assembly - KIT0639

Connected Parts

  • Smart Combustion Wire Harness 

  • Hardwired to the Flame Sensor


How to Replace a Flame Sensor Wire Harness

Replacing a flame sensor wire harness requires replacing the entire Hot Rod Service Panel. The harness cannot be replaced on its own.

Flame sensor to smart cumbustion wiring.png



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