Username & Password Help

What's in This Article?

Need help resetting a password? Having trouble logging in? Let's get logged in again and back to grilling.

Username & Password Requirements

Your Traeger username is the email address you used when creating your account. 

Enter your username in all lowercase letters when logging in.

Traeger passwords must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 8 characters
  • 1 special character (!@#$%^&*)
  • 1 capital letter
  • 1 number

How to Create a Traeger Account

You can create your Traeger account either in the Traeger app or on

Create an Account on

  1. Click on the profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen.
  2. Click, Create Account.
  3. Enter your personal information and click, CREATE ACCOUNT.

Create an Account in the Traeger App

  1. Download the Traeger app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
  2. Open the Traeger app and tap, SIGN UP.
  3. Enter your first and last names.
  4. Enter your email address.
  5. Create a password that meets the requirements below:
    • At least 8 characters
    • 1 special character (!@#$%^&*)
    • 1 capital letter
    • 1 number
  6. Your account is created! Click, NEXT, to enter the Traeger app.

I Can't Log In

Before using the Forgot Your Password form, make sure the password you're trying contains the above list of requirements. If the password does contain all the requirements, ask yourself the questions below:

  • Have you ever set up an account with us?
  • Is it possible you set up your account using a different email address?
  • Have you forgotten your password since you made the account?
  • Are there any capital letters in your username?

Forgot Password

You can reset your Traeger password either in the Traeger app or on

Reset Your Password from the Traeger App 

  1. On the Traeger app landing page, tap, LOG IN, and then tap, FORGOT PASSWORD, on the login page. 
    app_landing_page.PNG   app_login_page.PNG
  2. Enter your email address and tap, SEND RESET INSTRUCTIONS to send the password reset email.
    app_forgot_password.PNG  app_forgot_password-email_sent.PNG
  3. Look for an email from Traeger Grills <>, which contains a link to reset your password and a six-digit password reset code.
  4. Click on, RESET YOUR PASSWORD, to open the password reset form.
  5. Fill out the Reset Password form, entering the six-digit reset code provided in the password reset email. Enter a new password and click, RESET PASSWORD.
  6. Go back to the Traeger app and enter your new credentials.

Reset Your Password from

  1. Click on the profile icon at the top-right of your screen.
  2. Click, Forgot Password.
  3. Enter Your email and click, RESET PASSWORD, to send the password reset email.
  4. Look for an email from Traeger Grills <>, which contains a link to reset your password and a six-digit password reset code.
  5. Click on, RESET YOUR PASSWORD, to open the password reset form.
  6. Fill out the Reset Password form, entering the six-digit reset code provided in the password reset email. Enter a new password and click, RESET PASSWORD.

I Didn't Receive the Password Reset Email

  • Confirm you spelled your email correctly when requesting a password reset link.
  • Retry requesting the reset email.
  • If you verified your email was correct and still did not get it, there might have been a server error. Try requesting a reset with another device.
  • If another device doesn't work, contact Traeger Support.

Can I Change my Email/Username?

At this time, there is no way to change the email address associated with your account. If you need to change your email address for any reason, you will need to create a new account.

Did I Lock Myself Out of my Account?

It is not possible to lock yourself out of your account. Our password storage system does not feature a lockout mechanism.

If you are still having trouble, please feel free to contact Traeger Support.


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