Replacing a Display (UI) Smart Combustion Harness on Touchscreen Grills

What's in This Article?

More information on the display (UI) smart combustion harness and replacement.


UI Smart Comb Harness.jpg


What is Display (UI) Smart Combustion Harness?

A display (UI) smart combustion harness sends power to the auxiliary fan and the lid light and communicates between them and the motherboard.


The harness allows the motherboard to communicate information it receives from all components to the controller display.


Applicable SKU

  • KIT0890

Connected Parts

  • Motherboard
  • Display
  • Lid Light
  • Auxiliary Fan


How to Replace Display (UI) Smart Combustion Harness

It is rare for a display (UI) smart combustion harness to need to be replaced, but in this case that it does below is a replacement guide and connection points.


UI Smart Combustion Harness-Motherboard Connections.jpeg

Display (UI) to Motherboard

Display smart combustion labeled connections.png

Display (UI) Smart Combustion Harness

  1. Power off and unplug the grill.
  2. Remove the hopper side access panel.
    • If this is the first time removing the hopper service panel, you may need to use a manual impact driver. See, Using a Manual Impact driver.
    •  There are 6 screws to remove: 2 at the top of the panel, 2 on the bottom, and 2 behind the P.A.L rail. 
      • Some people find it easier to remove the P.A.L rail first in order to access the screws behind it.
  3. Disconnect the smart combustion connector for the auxiliary fan & lid light (blue (connects to light) & brown (connects to auxiliary fan) wire) from the motherboard.lid- aux fan to motherboard connection yos.jpeg
  4. Disconnect the display smart combustion harness connection (green, black, yellow, red) from the bottom of the motherboard.             display harness to motherboard connection.jpeg
  5. Disconnect the auxiliary fan to smart combustion harness auxiliary fan connector.aux fan to harness connection yos.jpeg
  6. Disconnect lid light connection.
  7. Disconnect the display (UI) smart combustion harness connection from the display.display harness to motherboard connection.jpeg
  8. Connect the new display (UI) smart combustion harness to the display board.
  9. Connect the lid light wires together.
  10. Connect auxiliary fan to smart combustion harness auxiliary fan connector.
  11. Connect new display smart combustion harness connection (green, black, yellow, red) to the bottom of the motherboard. 
  12. Connect the wires for the auxiliary fan & lid light (blue (connects to light) & brown (connects to auxiliary fan) wire) from the motherboard.
  13. Secure the smart combustion motherboard cover.
  14. Close the hopper side access panel.
  15. Plug and turn on grill. 

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