Traeger grills are made of metal that are exposed to high heat. High heat naturally discolors metal, and is normal/expected.
Some customers have reported seeing yellow spots (oxidation) or oil-spill coloring that looks like a rainbow on their grill's stainless steel parts.
For example, the grill's baffle is made of stainless steel, and since it's exposed to heat, it's normal for it to experience discoloration.
Does Discoloration Impact My Grill's Performance?
Oxidation and oil spill coloring won't impact the grill's functionality.
Here's the auger tube experiencing yellowing oxidation.
Oil Spill/Rainbow
Here's the grill's Evenflow Heat Shield/Manifold experiencing oil spill coloring; this will go away the more you use your grill.
Here's what the discoloration should look like after you've cleaned it.
Grease Chips
Here's the grill's Evenflow Heat Shield/Manifold experiencing "grease chipping". Our testing has shown that when cooking particularly greasy foods (such as think bacon or pork belly), it appears that enamel is falling and chipping off around the base of the barrel. However, as you clean it, you will realize that it is actually just carbonized grease and that the enamel underneath the "grease chips" is just fine. It does look like peeling paint though, and we want to assure you that this is not the case.