Traeger Wireless Meat Probes Not Pairing

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Let's walk through what to do when your Traeger X MEATER Bluetooth wireless meat probe won't pair with your grill.


'Wireless Probe Detected' Popup Doesn't Appear

Traeger Wireless Meat Probe: 

If the grill doesn't recognize the probe automatically and produce the Wireless Probe Detected popup, you can pair them manually using the controller menu.

  1. Verify the probes are charged.
    • Make sure the tab is not in between the battery and the metal battery pin.txm-pair-1.jpg
    • Probes should charge for at least 4 hours upon first use.
  2. Remove one (only one!) probe from the charging dock.
  3. For Touchscreen Grills:
    1. Tap the menu button and use the dial to scroll to and select, Accessories.txm-pair-5.jpg
    2. Use the dial to scroll through the accessories options until you find a greyed out option that says, Pair BT-Probe. Tap the screen or press the dial to confirm the selection.txm-pair-5.2-pair bt probe.png
    3. Wait for the Bluetooth signal to connect. The display should read, Searching for Probe.txm-pair-6-searching for probe.png
    4. Once the grill finds the probe's Bluetooth signal, the screen with change and say, Probe Detected. Select a probe number to identify which probe you are pairing.txm-pair-7-select probe number.png
      • Attach the metal clip that came with your probes that has the number associated with the number you just assigned it.txm-pair-8.jpg
    5. Probe pairing should be successful. You may either go to the probe or pair another device.txm-pair-success.png
  4. For Woodridge Series Grills:
    1. Grill should be powered on and not in cook mode. Tap the menu button.
      Meater 2.png
    2. While in the menu, turn the selection dial until the 'Add Bluetooth Accessory' icon lights up in the menu bar and the probe pairing animation below displays on the screen.
      Pairing Wireless Probe.png
    3. Press the selection dial to select this option to begin the pairing process.
      Pairing Step 4.png
    4. The screen will display a pairing animation, indicating that the grill is currently searching for the Traeger Wireless Probe Bluetooth signal.
      Meater 5.png
    5. Remove the wireless meat thermometer from the dock and hold it close (within 3 ft) to your grill controller.
      • Traeger Wireless Meat Thermometers must be paired one at a time to ensure the grill only picks up one Bluetooth signal at a time.
        Meater 6.png
    6. When the grill successfully connects to your wireless probe, you will see a green check animation on the screen and a probe icon with a number 1 or 2.
      Meater 7.png
    7. On the probe menu bar beneath the screen, you will now see the probe icon lit up indicating that the probe is connected. After 5 seconds, the probe icon will dim, indicating that it is no longer selected, and the grill will return to 'Add Bluetooth' setting. You can repeat the above process to pair a second probe.


ERROR: Multiple Probes Detected

If you get an error saying, Error Multiple Probes Detected, the grill has found multiple Bluetooth devices that it recognizes as Traeger X MEATER Bluetooth wireless probes. Return any TXM probes back to the charging dock and try again removing only one probe during each pairing attempt.  

txm-pair-error-multiple probes.png

Wireless Meat Probe Won't Pair?

The chance of a Traeger wireless meat probe not being able to pair is less than 1%. If the probes won't pair, go through these next steps with the customer.

Are you trying to pair two probes at the same time?

Traeger wireless probes can only be paired one at a time.

When pairing, only remove probes from the charging dock one at a time when pairing. If you remove both at the same time, the grill will detect multiple Bluetooth signals and produce an error.

Remove one probe to pair the first one. Return the probe and remove the second to pair the second.


Are the probes clean?

  1. Stainless steel areas should be completely silver, including the pointed and square end of the probe.  The connection ports on the dock also need to be cleaned.
  2. To clean the probe, pour a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar on the rough side of a sponge, and scrub the probe vigorously until all of the stainless-steel sections are completely silver.​
  3. Check out our MEATER cleaning video:

Are you using a MEATER probe or a Traeger Wireless probe?

  • Traeger Touchscreen and Woodridge Series grills will only pair with Traeger X MEATER probes and the Traeger Wireless Meat Thermometer.

No Bluetooth Passkey?

If while pairing the grill or accessories, you are not able to obtain a Bluetooth Passcode, take the following steps:

  1. Power off the grill
  2. Unplug the grill from the outlet.
  3. With the grill unplugged, press power button once.
  4. Let the power drain for one minute.
  5. After one minute, press power button again.
  6. Plug the grill back into the outlet.
  7. Power on the grill.
  8. Wait for the display to turn back on; can take 5 minutes.

If the grill gets stuck on the "Checking WiFi Connection" or the "Searching for Grill" screens during the pairing process and the grill is unable to pair, follow Stuck on Checking Connection or Searching for Grill Screens - Touchscreen Grills.


Is one probe pairing but the other is not pairing?

  1. Unpair the paired probe and make another attempt at pairing.
    • If probes pair successfully, no further steps needed.
    • If probes do not pair, move to next step.
  2. Switch the probes' dock positions. Attempt to pair the unpaired probe.
  3. If it doesn't pair, leave the unpaired probe in switched dock position until fully charged (4 hours).
  4. Attempt to pair again.
  5. If the probe pairs after switching probe spots in the charging dock, there is a wiring issue in the port. Contact Customer Support and we'll get you taken care of.

Checking if the probe is broadcasting.

Scan for devices form the Bluetooth settings menu on your smart phone –

  • Do you see a device named “MEATER”?
  • Does this device come and go as you continuously scan and put the probe in and out of the dock?

This would allow you to verify the probe is actually powered on and broadcasting, suggesting an issue lies elsewhere.

    • `The probe doesn’t broadcast if it is getting a charge from the dock. If the Probe is docked and broadcasting and the above steps (maintenance and incorrect probes) have been verified, the dock needs to be replaced. Replace the dock and return the faulty dock to HQ for Quality Review. 

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