Grill Igniting on Its Own

What's in This Article?

None of Traeger’s grills are equipped with a remote or automatic start feature. You must manually turn on and ignite your grill before every cook. If you believe your grill has ignited on its own, please follow the steps listed below.

What Does a Grill Igniting on Its Own Look Like?

The grill turns on and appears to ignite without the customer ever pressing the IGNITE button. This may be exhibited in a couple ways:

  • Almost always the case: The fan turns on, but the hot rod doesn't heat up and the auger isn't turning, meaning there is no active fire.
  • All components engage without the user initiating. The hot rod engages, igniting pellets in the firepot.

What to Do If You Think Your Grill Has Ignited on Its Own

If you believe your grill has ignited on its own, do the following:

  1. Look for smoke coming from the grill, indicating there is an active pellet burn. 
  2. Open the grill lid and hover your hand throughout the grill, feeling for indications of heat. 
    • If there is no heat or smoke, chances are the fan turned on, but the ignitor did not actually turn on.
  3. If you can, leave the grill in its current state and contact Customer Support

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