ER28: Pellet Sensor Disconnected- Woodridge Series

What's in This Article?

Symptoms of an ER28 Error 

The grill displays, ER28, on the controller, and the Traeger app displays, Pellet Sensor Disconnected.

ER28-Pellet Sensor Disconnected-Woodridge Series.png

If the grill is connected to the Traeger app, you will see the following notification:

Pellet Sensor Disconnected.png

Common Causes

For brand new grills, the most common cause of an ER28 error is outdated firmware.

  • This specifically appears with firmware version 2.3.0 and lower.

For grills on 2.4.0 and later, the sensor likely needs to be reconnected.

How to Resolve an ER28 Error

  1. Check the grill's firmware version in the app or from the grill's controller.
    1. 2.3.0 & Lower: 
      • Firmware 2.3.0 and earlier has a bug that will intermittently determine that the pellet sensor is disconnected when it actually isn't.
      • Have the customer connect their grill to WiFi so the grill can download the latest firmware.
      • Provided that the pellet sensor is connected properly, the error should disappear once the firmware is current. 
    2. 2.4.0 & Higher: 
      1. Check that the pellet sensor wiring harness is connected.
        1. Turn off and unplug the grill from power.
        2. For the Woodridge Elite grill, remove the x4 screws from the filler panel below the controller. Set the panel aside. 
        3. Open the hopper lid and remove the x2 screws from the controller trim, keeping the controller installed in the trim.
          Woodridge Pro Controller Step 2.jpg
        4. Remove x2 screws from the lower portion of the controller trim at the front of the grill.
          SKU1 Controller reverse (1).gif
        5. Carefully lift up the controller and trim belt.
        6. Check the intermediate connection between the pellet sensor cable and controller cable
          Pellet Sensor Connection.jpg
        7. Check the connection into the controller
          Pellet Sensor Connect to Controller.jpg
        8. Put the controller back in and turn on the grill.
        9. If the error persists, replace the pellet sensor.

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