Wheel Replacement

What's in This Article?

Types of wheels for non-touchscreen Traeger grills and how to replace them.

Related SKUs

Wheel SKU Description Applicable Grills
KIT0792 Caster Wheel- metal interior with a plastic shell. Century 885, Texas Elite 22, Century 34, Pro 34, Pro 780, Ironwood 650, Ironwood 885, Timberline 1300, Timberline 850
KIT0563 6" Viper Wheel Century 885
KIT0138 Large Wheel with Hub Cap Pro 22, Pro 34, Prairie, Mesa 20, Fremont, Ridgeland
KIT0297 All Terrain Wheel Pro 575, Pro 780, Ironwood 650, Ironwood 885
KIT1009 All Terrain Wheel with cotter pin Woodridge, Woodridge Pro
KIT0946 All Terrain Wheel with axel & feet Woodridge, Woodridge Pro
KIT09086 Caster Wheel  Woodridge Pro
KIT0613 Caster Wheel Woodridge Elite


Replacing a Caster Wheel

Follow the steps below to replace a caster wheel.

Caster wheel IW.png

  1. Remove the grill's internal components (grill grates, manifold, drip tray, grease governor, etc.).
  2. With the help of another person, carefully lay or tip the grill on its back.
  3. A screwdriver can be used to remove the caster wheel from the grill leg. 
    • Apply a high amount of pressure to pop the wheel out. They aren't meant to be fall out.
  4. Once the wheel is removed, push the new caster wheel into the grill leg.


Replacing an All-Terrain Wheel

Follow the steps below to replace your all-terrain wheels.

All Terrain Wheels KIT0297.png

  1. Remove the grill's internal components (grill grates, manifold, drip tray, grease governor, etc.).
  2. With the help of another person, carefully lay the grill on its back.
  3. Unscrew the bolt and remove the wheel.
  4. Set the new wheel in place and screw in.

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