High Temp Error - Touchscreen Grills

What's in This Article?

What to do when you get the "High Temp Error" on your new Timberline grill. 



What Does the Grill Do when this Message Occurs?

The grill will start a special cool-down procedure to help prevent any further damage to the grill.


The grill's detects temperatures above 550°F (290°C). This is likely caused by one of the following:

  • Grease fire (most common)
  • Pellet fire
    • Usually caused by the firepot being installed incorrectly)
  • Old firmware, incorrect config version, incorrect Device Type
  • Strong wind blowing directly into the downdraft exhaust
  • Cooking at 500° while using the sear grate

What to Do

  1. Safety First! If there'a an active fire, proceed with caution.
  2. Rescue any food while you still can.
  3. Check your grill's firmware to make sure it's on the latest version.
  4. Allow the grill to finish its automatically initiated cool-down procedure.
  5. If there was strong wind when the fire occurred, the error should clear once restarted. Position the grill so the exhaust is facing toward a wall or at least so the wind is not blowing directly into the downdraft exhaust.
    • This error can trigger when winds stronger than 30 mph are blowing into the downdraft exhaust for longer than 10 minutes. 
  6. Using the sear grate while cooking at 500° can cause a high temp error to occur. The recommended cook temperature when using the sear grate is 475°. If the grill temp is set to 500° while using the sear grate, the frequent lid opens that happen with searing may cause the grill temp to spike, resulting in a high temp error.
    • If this happens, adjust the grill temp to 475° when using the sear grate.
  7. Leaving the lid open for extended periods can lead to a drop in temperature, followed by an overshoot when the lid is closed as the system attempts to recover the lost heat.
  8. Inspect your grill for damage, specifically the thermocouple.
  9. Power cycle your grill.
    • The error should clear once you restart your grill.
  10. Run a SELF-TEST and Part Diagnosis to ensure all parts are communicating with the motherboard correctly and are not triggering any other errors. 
    • On the controller display, go to MENU > MAINTENANCE & CARE > SELF-TEST.
  11. Clean the grill thoroughly before starting another cook.
  12. Feel free to contact Customer Support if you have additional questions.

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