ER01: High Temp Error-Woodridge Series Grill

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Error 1.png

The grill and app will display the error code, ER01, and the grill will start a cooldown procedure to help prevent any further damage to the grill.

If the grill is connected to the Traeger app, you will see the following notification:

High Temp Error.png


What causes an ER01 error?

The grill gets too hot - somewhere around 550F. Grease fires are a common culprit for this error.


What to do

Safety Considerations: A high temp error usually means something unsafe is happening. Proceed with caution.

  1. Safety First! If there's an active fire, proceed with caution.
  2. Rescue any food while you still can.
  3. Confirm the grill is on the current firmware version and has the correct config version
  4. Allow the grill to finish its cooldown/shut down procedure.
  5.  Once the grill is cool, inspect the grill for damage, paying special attention to the RTD.
  6. Clean the grill thoroughly before starting another cook.
    • Grill maintenance information for future cooks:
      • Before each cook:
        1. Remove buildup from the drip tray. Replace the liner if needed.
      • After each cook:
        1. Remove excess food from the grates while still warm.
        2. Scrape all grease into the EZ-Clean Grease & Ash keg.
      • Monthly:
        1. Remove grill grates, drip tray, and manifold.
        2. Vacuum ash from inside the firepot.
        3. Scrape creosote from the backsplash and back of the grill lid.
        4. Wipe down grill cavity with Traeger grill cleaner.
        5. Remove and clean out grease drain chute. Remove ash by sweeping it into EZ-Clean Grease & Ash Keg.
        6. Replace the EZ-Clean Grease & Ash Keg liner when full.
      • Do not overload the grill with too much food. Even if there is ample room in the grill, to be cautious of loading excessive amounts of food that can release large
        quantities of grease (for example, more than a pound of bacon). 

*Receiving a high temperature error on your grill will not affect the grill's performance.


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